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After the serial kidnappings, Satoru tried forgetting about the incidents to the point he blocked it from his memory. While eventually overcoming this dilemma, he was unwilling to accept his own flaws, such as being irritated by people's behaviors, having a bad tendency to think out loud and casually point at someone's mistakes. Satoru is an introvert and shy person who sees it as a lack of communication skills on his part, often pretending to get along with people in order to maintain healthy relationships since his youth, as he had trouble understanding someone's emotions. He was of average height for children his age and wore a two-toned brown windbreaker above a light blue tee, dark pants, and navy blue rubber shoes. When he was younger, Satoru had better eyesight and habitually smiled more often. He is most often seen wearing a white polo shirt, black pants, and a pair of loafers in the same color in addition to his maroon-colored prescribed glasses due to his eyesight loss as his age progressed. He often bears a blank expression and rarely smiles. Satoru is a fair-skinned man in his late 20s with messy navy blue hair and eyes, a slim figure, and a tall stance.

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